Thursday, June 13, 2013

The MOFEG Time

Many at times tourists after reading a lot about Ghana prior to arrival or after been in the country for a while turn to assume that everyone and even companies are never on time. As a Ghanaian and C.E.O of MOFEG Tours, I totally agree with them because we as Ghanaians find it difficult to be on time. Having said that, it is also the unknown fact that few Ghanaians and companies take time management very seriously.
When MOFEG Tours was established we had five important principles in mind and time management was one of them; we actually labeled it the MOFEG Time. This is to mean that we as a company will strive to either ahead of time or exactly on time. Almost all our past 270 tourists (up to date) can attest to the fact that the MOFEG Time is either ahead of stipulated times on itineraries for tours or exactly ahead of time. The question most tourists ask is why MOFEG Tours manages time so efficiently. Well, we'll in this post give you few details and these are as follows:
1. It is at the heart of our core principles to be on time. We are MOFEG Tours because we are always on MOFEG Time. This is what makes us MOFEG Tours.
2. Itineraries have been drawn and tested over times and this included the personal feasibility trips around the country and West Africa by C.E.O of MOFEG Tours prior to the launch of our first tour in August 2010.
3. We have freelance tour agents and assistants on major roads leading to our tourist sites. They keep us well informed prior to every trip with regard to road construction and diversions, traffic situations, etc. This compel us to factor in all the above per tour at a particular time.
4. We have worked with MOFEG affiliated restaurants on major roads, rest stops, and in hotels we normally check our clients into for a while now. As a result they all know about the MOFEG Times and adhere to them correctly.
5. The last but not the least is actually called the "MOFEG LIE". Knowing very well it will still be difficult to have affiliates of our service provisions such as bus transport, hotels and restaurant we have factored in the MOFEG Lie. This means MOFEG Tours will intentionally omit 30 - 1.30 minutes time duration and inform our affiliate service providers as such. For example MOFEG can inform the bus rental company that is usually not on time or assumed to not be on time that departure time from Accra will be 4am when in actual fact we will state on the itinerary to our client as 5am. This means that no matter how late the bus driver arrives, MOFEG will still be able to depart Accra ahead of time or exactly on time.
The above are the few of steps taken by MOFEG Tours in ensuring that we are always on time.

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