Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Genesis of MOFEG Tours

Since this is our first blog, we would first of all like to take you back to the beginning of MOFEG Tours. The idea came into mind for the first time when the current C.E.O of MOFEG Tours, Moses Gbeku was a study abroad student in Russia in October 2007. Upon his return to Ghana in June 2008, Moses decided to begin the process of setting up a student travel and tour company. To do this he needed the experience and contacts. As a result upon graduating from the University of Ghana in May 2009, Moses took a job with the International Programmes Office of the University of Ghana, a section responsible for coordinating all visiting international students and faculty to the University of Ghana. Moses worked there from July 2009 - July 2010 and used the opportunity to establish contacts and travel across Ghana Togo and Benin. In August 2010, MOFEG Tours was established and we launched our first tour on August 24. This tour took over 19 tourists on a cruise on lake Volta.

Since August 2010 to date we have coordinated over 270 tourists from over 15 countries from 6 different continents. We have explored all tourist sites in Ghana Togo Benin and Cote d'Ivoire.

In the upcoming blogs we will give details on our tours since the very first tour on August 24, 2010. In the meantime, feel free to like our page on facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Mofeg-Travel-Tours/179391458833692 for pictures and updates